Full Moon Rising Read online

Page 7

  She fought underneath him, struggling to lower her legs. Unable to hold her still any longer and fuck her the way he wanted, he let go, leaning over her while she wrapped her legs around him, lifting herself closer to him. Her movement against his cock about did him in.

  He slammed into her, pushing her up the bed. She grabbed a hold of him, digging her fingers into his shoulders.

  “That’s it. Make me scream.” She held on to him, urging the beast within him to take over, to fuck her so hard she wouldn’t be able to move.

  But she was so tight, so small, his cock suffocated in her heat. Her inner muscles gripped him so hard he feared she would drain the life out of him. It took everything he had to maintain control of himself and not explode before he had satisfied them both.

  Tightening every muscle in his body, he rode her tiny cunt, diving deep inside her, stretching her so she molded to his size, his shape, making her pussy his own.

  Pressure built inside him, her powerful heat crawling up under his skin, taking over, his blood boiling with each thrust.

  “Roll over,” he told her, pulling out of her while he still had a bit of coherency left in his feverish brain.

  Beth struggled to obey, flipping over on the bed and adjusting herself so her sweet ass rose up in the air, her legs spread wide offering him an incredible view of her soaked cunt and ass.

  “Oh God.” She screamed and jumped when he ran his fingers over her pussy, spreading her thick hot cream around her shaved cunt and then gliding her moisture to her ass.

  He grabbed his cock, stroking it carefully while he prepared her.

  “Every bit of you, Beth.” He watched her body quake while he pressed his finger against her ass, her moisture making it easy to enter her tight puckered hole. “I told you I am claiming every bit of you.”

  “Okay,” she breathed. “Yes.”

  She was giving her consent. It wasn’t actually submission. He wouldn’t let himself be fooled. Pressing his cock against her tight ass, he wondered for a moment if any act he committed on her would warrant her complete submission. Truly, he had met his match.

  Her tight little hole parted, her body going stiff for a moment. He allowed his cockhead to disappear inside her and then rested, the urge to thrust himself completely inside her so overwhelming, blood vessels exploded inside him while he fought to control his own actions.

  “Relax, sweetheart,” he heard his own voice instruct her, soothe her, help her to relax so she could enjoy the moment too.

  He heard her breathing, watched the muscles in her back quiver while she worked to relax herself, give herself over to him.

  “Good girl.” He rubbed her soft ass, while her tightness damn near took all circulation out of his cock.

  Moving slowly at first, he glided into the tight, small entrance giving way for him. Thick hot cream eased his entrance, allowing him to move deeper inside her.

  “Ethan. Oh God.” She moved her ass, shaking it slowly from side to side.

  “Hold still, darling, or I won’t last much longer.” He doubted he would anyway. He began moving deeper inside her, feeling her crush the life out of him.

  With each thrust the heat from her sent a fever burning through him. He fucked her ass, the friction burning him deeper than he ever imagined. And when he knew he couldn’t last much longer it occurred to him that she was the one pumping everything he had out of him. As much as he fought to capture her, take everything she had, Beth was the one pulling his life clear out of him.

  “God. Beth. I’m going to come.” He squeezed his eyes closed, wishing for just one more minute to enjoy her incredible pleasures.

  Beth pulled forward, causing his cock to slide out of her ass. She flipped over before he could stop her, and he looked down at her, surprised.

  “Come then, wolf-man.” Her smile was pure torture. “Come all over me. I want to watch.”

  Ethan exploded. For such a tiny bitch, with her pussy and ass so tight, he knew she hadn’t been fucked that much. However, Beth still knew what she wanted, and she knew how to get it. At the moment, all he could do was oblige.

  He drained himself, his white, hot cream spilling out over her. Beth ran her hands over herself, wiggling underneath him while she spread his cum over her skin, across her breasts, and then brought her fingers up to her mouth. She looked drugged, her eyelids half covering her hazy gaze while she smiled up at him, licking her fingers.

  “Good boy.” Her smile was beyond wicked.

  Chapter Nine

  Ethan woke with the sun blinding him and his phone ringing. He reached for Beth and scowled when he realized she wasn’t there.

  “Hello.” He answered the phone, swinging his legs over the side of the bed at the same time.

  Beth’s clothes were gone.

  “Ethan. Ralph Hipp here.” The older werewolf who used to work at the sheriff’s department and now did security work sounded worried.

  “What’s up?” He left his bedroom, padding naked down his hallway looking for Beth. It didn’t take a minute to realize she wasn’t in his house.

  “It’s the young bitch who riled up the sheriff’s department.”

  Ethan stopped in his tracks. “Where is she?”

  “She’s down at City Hall.” Ralph started talking quickly. “Apparently she has organized some reporters and is announcing that she will be making a statement here soon. She has the entire pack in an uproar.”

  “Shit.” He wondered how long he’d been asleep. And there was no way he could go anywhere before he showered. “Make sure she doesn’t say a word to anyone before I get down there.”

  “Okay.” Ralph hesitated. “I hope you realize what you’re asking.”

  Ethan stormed into his bedroom, grabbing clean clothes before heading for the bathroom. “Fucking sit on her if you have to. And make sure you let her know you are following my orders. She doesn’t talk to a soul before she talks to me.”

  He took the fastest shower of his life, the whole time wondering what in the hell his little bitch was up to. His hair was still damp when he started his bike up and headed toward City Hall.

  He had to park a block away when he reached the city building. Cars were parked everywhere. This was his town, his territory. Beth would learn that she didn’t make a move in the territory without clearing it through him first. He would take the time to teach her that, but she wasn’t making it easy on him. He should have known years ago, when she’d put her mark on him by walking away when no other bitch had, that she would never make it easy on him.

  “Please don’t try to stop her.” A small, cool hand clasped his arm.

  Ethan looked down into the concerned eyes of Sandra Parks. For the first time he noticed the similarity between mother and daughter. Sandra had a softer edge though, more quiet spoken. He wondered how she’d raised a cub so aggressive as Beth.

  “I plan to find out what she is doing first,” he told her honestly.

  Glancing around, it looked like most of his pack was here. Most everyone was hurrying toward the courthouse, and to his dismay, he noticed several large television stations camped nearby. Their vans loudly announcing their presence.

  “She is doing what she has to do.” Greta Hothmeyer spoke so softly he hardly heard her. And he hadn’t noticed her standing there until she spoke.

  “And what does she have to do?” Ethan stared at the old lady, knowing she wouldn’t tell him a damned thing if she didn’t want to.

  Greta smiled, patting his arm. “She has to prepare herself. Hollow’s Eve will be here soon.”

  Ethan had no idea what she was talking about. The sudden movement of reporters caught his attention. He patted the older woman on the arm and hurried up the street. He reached the building just as Beth came out of the double doors, appearing at the top of the wide cement steps. Reporters flooded around her, microphones extended through the air while everyone began shouting at once.

  “What is your statement, Miss Parks?” a reporter next to him ye

  “Does your announcement to the press that you have resigned as prosecutor have anything to do with claims that you are a werewolf?” another reporter nearby yelled over the rest.

  Ethan noticed the man he’d spoken to earlier that week with Werewolf Affairs approach him. The man didn’t speak until he was standing right next to him and able to comment without being overheard.

  “I told her to disappear for a while and so she decides to make an announcement on national television.” Ben White shook his head, either disgusted, or simply disbelieving.

  “She doesn’t listen too well.” Ethan looked back toward Beth, noticing she watched him.

  Thoughts of hauling her away in front of national television crossed his mind. She must have read his thoughts because she looked away quickly.

  “I wanted to say something.” When she spoke a sudden hush fell over the crowd.

  Everyone pushed closer, boxing him in. Reporters struggled to get their recording equipment as close to her as possible.

  “The rumors that I am a werewolf are true.” She looked larger than life standing there, professing to the world her true nature. “And from this point forward I will be working to help maintain equal rights between werewolves and humans. We’ve always lived among each other, peacefully. Knowledge of our existence won’t change anything. And now I will ensure that it won’t steal our freedom away either.”

  Ethan felt a pressure swell inside his chest. Never in his life had he felt more pride for her than he did right now. Little Beth Parks, in her simple suit, with her brown hair curled around her face, looked more beautiful than he’d ever seen her before.

  That one little female, a werewolf so tiny she would hide in underbrush so as not to be noticed by other werewolves, stood before national television, sharing her true heritage without flinching.

  He’d pushed his way through the crowd before he realized what he had done. As if his movement was on cue, the group of reporters closing in around them suddenly burst into questions. Each of them tried to yell over the other ones, all the while pushing their recording equipment even closer.

  Ethan caught the eye of the sheriff and with a nod, the local law enforcement moved in.

  “That’s all for today.” He made it to the top of the stairs, shielding Beth while he turned to face the crowd. “Miss Parks has made her statement. No questions.”

  He was glad she didn’t fight him when he pulled open the doors and escorted her back into the city building.

  “It was nice of you to let me know what you were doing,” he hissed in her ear while taking her arm and escorting her through the group of people inside.

  “It was a last minute decision.” And she didn’t sound like she regretted it.

  Ethan looked around quickly, wondering how he would get them out of the building without being stampeded. Anywhere they went in town right now, they would be followed.

  “This way,” she instructed, guiding him down one of the hallways.

  She stopped in front of a closed door and turned to him, smiling, while she held up a key.

  “What is this?” He could smell her pride, but had no idea what she was up to.

  “My new office.” She turned and unlocked the door, then led the way into the small room, a plain metal desk and filing cabinet being all the furniture the small office offered. “Granted, it’s not much. But it will serve its purpose.”

  He had heard her say that she’d resigned from her position when they were outside, but it just now hit him.

  “You are going to work here? In town?” Which meant she accepted the fact that she was his now. Ethan smiled. Now all he had to do was get her to behave.

  “You’re pretty quick for an overgrown werewolf.” She punched him in the chest, grinning, and then turned to run her hand over her new desk. “Werewolves need representation,” she told him. “And with all you’ve done with your pack, bringing them together with the humans in town, I thought this would be a good place to start work.”

  “And what exactly is it that you plan to do?” He crossed his arms over his chest, watching her while she walked around her office.

  She turned to face him. “I’m going to ensure our rights as Americans are upheld. Just because we are werewolves doesn’t make us any less equal.” She matched his stance, crossing her arms over her chest as well. “Don’t try to stop me, Ethan. I’ll fight you every inch of the way if you do.”

  “I have a feeling you will fight me anytime I tell you to do something.” He loved that determined expression she got on her face.

  She smiled and his cock stirred to life in his jeans.

  “Maybe,” she said, her grin turning impish.

  He moved closer, needing to touch her. “I didn’t like waking up and you not being there.”

  It surprised him that she sincerely looked sorry. “You were so sound asleep. And when I get an idea brewing, I have to go with it. This is the right thing to do. I can feel it.”

  Her face glowed with her enthusiasm, her happiness filling the small space around them. And he realized with her reputation, his pack couldn’t ask for better representation. He also knew keeping her in his bed might be his only chance at controlling her. And he was beginning to wonder if even that would work.

  “You know.” He reached up to stroke her curled hair, capturing a lock between his fingers. “I’ve always wanted to fuck a lawyer in her office.”

  “I’m sure you have.” She gave him a disgusted look, but he knew that scent, it still lingered all over him. His words had just made her come.

  Pulling her to him, he crushed his mouth over hers, letting her taste how badly he wanted to fuck her again already.

  A small tapping sound at the door made her jump. She tried to squirm out of his hands when someone pushed it open. Ethan cursed himself silently for not checking to see if it was locked. He would have liked ten minutes alone with her.

  One of his pack members, who also worked in the building, peeked his head around the door. Noticing the two of them, and Beth in his arms, he smiled, not looking a bit ashamed that he had just interrupted something.

  “I think we can get you out of here now, Miss Parks.”

  Ethan should have known it wouldn’t take Beth long to get his pack to back her. For such a tiny werewolf, she sure packed a lot of power.

  Chapter Ten

  Beth didn’t like Halloween, and her mother knew that. But for some reason her mom seemed intent on the two of them driving over to the pack healer’s house to help prepare for a pack party.

  “Why do you need me along?” She would much rather spend time in her office, organizing things, setting up a phone system.

  “Tonight is Hollow’s Eve.” Her mother handed Beth her car key as she headed out the front door. “Greta needs help preparing.”

  “All that will happen tonight is the cubs will run loose and party too much. I’m too old for all of that.” She wondered where Ethan was. Surely he wasn’t preparing for some party somewhere.

  She drove her mom’s car over to the pack healer’s house, noting immediately that no one else was there.

  “What do we have to help her prepare for?” Beth followed her mom to the door, sensing her mother’s excitement but not having a clue why she seemed so anxious to prepare for something when no one was here.

  “Good. She is here.” Greta Hothmeyer held her hand out to Beth. “Come along child. The full moon will be up soon.”

  Beth turned to stare at her mom, surprised to see her grinning from ear to ear.

  “What is going on here?” She smelled a rat. The two women were up to something. Their enthusiasm was too strong. “I thought we were preparing for a party.”

  She noticed the clean kitchen, the counters spotless, no signs of party preparation anywhere.

  “Tonight we help to prepare you.” Greta gestured to her kitchen table.

  Beth looked to see a book open to a certain page. She glanced closer, realizing it was a book of childr
en’s fairy tales, not unlike the books her mother read her when she was a cub.

  “What is this?” she asked, captivated by the colorful pictures next to the old fables.

  “Read it.” Greta pointed to the book. “Read it out loud.”

  Beth picked up the old book, its musty scent making her want to sneeze. But then she noticed the poem that it was opened to. Her mouth went dry while she looked up quickly, first at her mother, and then at Greta. Both women watched her closely.

  “Go ahead,” her mother prompted.

  Beth could feel her heart begin to race in her chest. Her palms felt sweaty while she remembered the night so long ago, another time, when she was just a cub. It had been a teenage party her pack mates were all attending. She hadn’t wanted to go, but knowing that the most handsome werewolf in her pack would be there, she couldn’t resist. After all, he wouldn’t talk to her. Hell. He hadn’t even known she was alive.

  She had been so small, not tall and graceful like the other teenage girls in her pack. All of them had started developing, their breasts growing ripe while their scents had changed into something more evocative, more enticing. She would watch the teenage girls drive the werewolf boys in her pack wild. None of them had ever noticed her.

  But one night of being closer to the man of her dreams. She would be able to watch him, smell his rich scent. That would be good enough.

  Beth glanced down at the book in her hands, memories of how that night had turned bad flooding back to her, causing bile to rise in her throat.

  “I don’t want to read it.” She sounded like the terrified child of that night, her feelings hurt, her ego wounded.

  “You have to read it,” her mother coaxed. “Tonight is Hollow’s Eve. This is your night, and the circle will complete only if you read it.”

  “What are you talking about?” She stared down at the fancy calligraphy, already hearing the words being sung in her head, just like they were that night so long ago.

  “You are remembering the first time you heard the poem.” Greta’s words startled her.